Wellenss Feed

How to Deal with Bullies at Work

Characteristics of Workplace Bullying Last week I blogged about sexual harassment in the workplace. Workplace sexual harassment and misconduct affect 52% of employees who have experienced or witnessed harassment in the workplace, according to a study by HRACUITY. The results of workplace bullying are just as bad. A 2021 survey... Read more →

The Importance of Developing Soft Skills in the Workplace

Cultivating Emotional Intelligence I have previously blogged about the importance of developing soft skills. In today's blog I update the discussion by addressing ways to improve your soft skills. First, it's important to understand the importance of developing these skills in the workplace. Developing Soft Skills in the Workplace I... Read more →

Will Recent Events Impact University and Corporate Programs on DEI?

Building an Ethical Culture: The Role of DEI. Today’s businesses are held to a higher ethical standard than ever before. The meteoric rise of social media means that brands across the world are finally being held accountable for their actions by the general public. This includes programs on diversity, equity,... Read more →

Seniors' Rights in the Workplace

Dealing with Age Discrimination I have previously blogged about the challenges faced by seniors in the workplace as they age. My visibility in the senior space has led to many questions about the questionable practices by employers and advice for how to deal with being discriminated against. Here are three... Read more →

Dealing With “Quiet Quitting” in the Workplace

Looking at Employer and Employee Responsibilities I must confess that when I read a poll taken by Gallup on “quiet quitting,” I did not know exactly what it meant at first. I thought it referred to the way employees leave their job—quietly and without fuss. Boy, was I way off... Read more →

Empathy to Ethics: Where Heart Meets Business

A Key to Emotional Intelligence From time to time I post guest blogs when they contribute to the dialogue about ethics in the workplace. Today's guest blog is by Charlie Fletcher. Here is a link to her online portfolio: Stories by Charlie Fletcher : Contently. This blog was first issued... Read more →

The Ethical Aspects of Mental Health Care for Employees

The Importance of Supporting Employees in the Workplace From time to time I post a guest blog when it contains important information. Today's blog is by Charlie Fletcher. You can contact her at: [email protected]. This blog was first posted in October but got caught off so I am reposting it.... Read more →

Empathy + Compassion = Ethical Leadership: Here’s Why

Building an Ethical Workplace Culture Leaders should be empathetic and compassionate to set an ethical tone at the top. Absent these characteristic traits of behavior, it would be difficult for leaders to get employees to follow and commit to the goals of an organization. After all, who would voluntarily choose... Read more →

Three ways to foster a positive and healthy workplace environment

Developing a Wellness Culture in the Workplace The following blog posting is from an article by Elizabeth Fletcher. You can read biographical information about her below. Most of us spend a huge amount of time at work over our lifetimes. Whilst it can feel like the main part of your... Read more →

Wellbeing in the Workplace: What is it and How Can it Be Achieved?

Health and Wellness in the Workplace Work Comes from Having an Ethical Culture As mental health and wellbeing decline during these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to strive for human flourishing (i.e., happiness) and meaning (i.e., self-actualization) in the workplace through moral excellence. This is the key to... Read more →