Gen Z Feed

Why Do Americans Lie in the Recruiting Process?

Do Recruiters Lie as Well? I have observed that college students often lie about their qualifications, skills, and grade-point average in the hiring process. It seems the younger generations (Millennials and Gen Z) rationalize lying as being acceptable more than generations in the past. Some have told me that lying... Read more →

Deloitte Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey          

Views About Workplace Conditions The Deloitte Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey provides food for thought regarding political, social and workplace issues. The survey connected with 22,800 respondents in 44 countries to explore their attitudes about work and the world around them. Here are four of the key findings... Read more →

Quiet versus Conscious Quitting: Impact on Millennials and Gen-Z

Creating a Supporting Culture in the Organization I have previously pointed out in my blog that “quiet quitting” does not mean that employees outright quit their job. While employees do not stop performing their duties, they quit the idea of going above and beyond. They no longer subscribe to the... Read more →

Values based Recruitment and Organization Culture

A Strategy to Attract and Retain Employees Values based recruitment (VBR) is an approach which attracts and recruits’ students, trainees and employees on the basis that their individual values and behaviors align with the values of a company. It should take place as part of existing recruitment processes which assess... Read more →

Why Do Managers Criticize the Workplace Skills of Gen Z

Building the Skills for a Successful Career A recent survey of 1,344 managers and business leaders by Resume Builder said 74% of managers find Gen Z harder to work with than other generations, while 49% said they found Gen Z difficult to work with all or most of the time.... Read more →