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May 2023

What Should Be Included in an Organization’s Code of Ethics?

Setting an Ethical Tone at the Top I have previously blogged about the importance of having a code of conduct for all organizations. A code of conduct establishes the ethical principles upon which the behavior of employees will be judged. It helps to distinguish right from wrong. A code provides... Read more →

Does the Trickle-down Company Culture Work?

Communicating Organizational Values and Goals From time to time, I read about a new theory that broadens the concept of company culture. The trickle- down culture is one such example. What is Company Culture? A company culture can be defined as a shared set of values, goals, attitudes and practices... Read more →

Why Do Managers Criticize the Workplace Skills of Gen Z

Building the Skills for a Successful Career A recent survey of 1,344 managers and business leaders by Resume Builder said 74% of managers find Gen Z harder to work with than other generations, while 49% said they found Gen Z difficult to work with all or most of the time.... Read more →