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February 2020

How Does 'the Future' Technology Affect Our Work Environment Today?

The Role of AI, Automation, Cloud Computing, and Big Data Metrics The following blog is by Michael Deane, who administers Qeedle, a leading small business blog. We embrace new tech at break-neck speeds. Technology that could only be seen in movies such as Back to the Future is now a... Read more →

5 Tips for Green Workplace and Work Ethic

Going Green Can Enhance Productivity According to Brie Weiler Reynolds,, writing for flex jobs, the term “going green” means different things to different people. But, in general, going green means making conscious and sustainable choices that help you reduce, rescue, and recycle. There are a lot of ways to go... Read more →

Workplace bullying is a workplace safety issue

Bullying is a widespread problem whether in our schools or the workplace Bullied people are suffering. Those bullied can experience feelings of helplessness, panic and anxiety. They can suffer with sleeplessness and loss of appetite. Over time, the stress associated with bullying can lead to more significant health impacts including... Read more →

Big Corporations Place Profits Ahead of Safety

Recent Examples of Corporate Ethics Failures Big corporations are failing America because they continue to place profits ahead of responsible behavior. Many use a cost-benefit analysis to conclude that it would cost too much to fix product defects compared to any benefits derived. Until recently, few if any corporate CEOs... Read more →