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March 2016

To Prevent Whistleblowing, Encourage Whistleblowing

Developing an Effective Whistleblowing Program Does a strong workplace ethic that promotes whistleblowing enhance the moral actions by corporations? Yes, is the short answer. As we found out during the frauds at companies like Enron and WorldCom, as well as the financial recession, corrupt organizations can only be stopped through... Read more →

Sexual Harassment of Men in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment of Men in the Workplace Women on Man and Man on Man Sexual Harassment is a Growing Workplace Problem There is no doubt that most cases of sexual harassment involve men harassing women. For many years this has been true because of the power differential. However, as more... Read more →

Transgender Inclusion in the Workplace: A Matter of Ethics

LGBT Workplace Discrimination Protections Should Extend to Transgender Individuals Workplace discrimination is wrong in any form whether based on age, sex, or sexual orientation. The law has not caught up with the rights of transgender individuals but the spirit of the law should protect trans people in the workplace. The... Read more →

Is Olympus a Corrupt Organization?

Whistleblower Settlement Raises Doubts about Management’s Intentions On March 2, 2016, it was announced that John Slowik, a whistleblower formerly of Olympus corporation, was awarded $51 million as part of the settlement of his qui tam action under the False Claims Act. The FCA permits private parties to sue for... Read more →

The Importance of Confronting Harassment and Discrimination Complaints

Guidelines to Promote Ethical Decision-making in the Workplace In my last post I discussed a model for ethical decision making, which can be applied to the ethical analysis of challenging issues in the HR function. Today I deal with the ethics of handling discrimination and harassment complaints. Most employers are... Read more →

A Model for Ethical Decision-Making in the Workplace

Creating an Ethical Corporate Culture Ethical dilemmas in business are common and can create challenges to workplace harmony that can disrupt the exchange of ideas and block actions critical to establishing an ethical organizational culture. Even when organizations have great policies and procedures and follow the laws and regulations, there’s... Read more →