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November 2012

What is sexual harassment in the Workplace?

How to Identify Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Although most workplace harassment is male to female, the problem encompasses much more than gender and sex discrimination. According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, individuals with legally protected characteristics have a right to work in an environment... Read more →

Does the BP Guilty Plea End the Matter of the Gulf Disaster?

BP Guilty of Manslaughter in Death of 11 Rig Workers; Agrees to Pay $4.5 Billion On November 15, two BP employees pled guilty to manslaughter charges relating to the deaths of 11 people on the doomed Deepwater Horizon oil rig that spawned the worst oil disaster in U.S. history in... Read more →

What Makes for an Ethical Company?

Values, Behavior, and Organization Culture Underlie Ethical Behavior Ethics is about how we treat others. It goes back to the Golden Rule “To treat others the Way we want to be treated.” Nowhere is this more important than in the workplace where most of us spend the majority of our... Read more →

Are Banks Finally Being Held Accountable for their Role in the Financial Meltdown?

Corporate Social Responsibility Run Amok at Wells Fargo and Bank of America Have you lost thousands of dollars in retirement money due to stock market declines since the financial meltdown started in 2007? Is your mortgage underwater because lenders made ill-advised loans only to find risky homeowners defaulting on their... Read more →

Ethics, Leadership, and Business-School Education of MBAs

Guest Blog on Business Ethics Education by Julianna Davies Poll most people on the street, and they’ll be able to identify at least one example of unethical corporate behavior. Business ethics are a hot topic these days, and the following article explores a new dimension -- namely, how these issues... Read more →